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Still no chief

By Annya Loya Headlight Staff

After a special meeting Wednesday, the community still has no permanent chief of police and no answers about when they might get one, after the city council and new Mayor Michelle “Micki” Shillito again failed to come to an agreement on an appointment.

The mayor called the special council meeting with the intention of appointing a chief of police, as well as to discuss other limited personnel matters. Shortly after the meeting was called to order, council members voted to go into closed session, where they remained for more than an hour.

“We discussed personnel matters, and no decisions were made to do anything at this point,” Shillito announced when the council returned to the open meeting.

Community members who were present said they hoped that the special meeting would give them answers and resolutions, but were disappointed. Christie Ann Harvey, executive director of the Greater Luna County Economic Opportunity Council, said she worries there are other issues behind the impasse.

“I think it signals concern to the community that there’s more going on that is apparent, and that as a community you want those things to be resolved [and] have a clear path forward for leadership,” she said.

On Thursday, Shillito told the Headlight that she and the council members had a “great discussion” regarding the hiring process for a new police chief. With help from outside sources and research, she believes they have found a way to come to a decision.

“The role of a mayor is to make appointments, but they don’t mean a thing if the council members do not agree,” she said.

Shillito said she’s more optimistic after Wednesday’s closed session, but she still has yet to come to an agreement with the council. She said she is uncertain who the next candidate for chief of police might be. She also acknowledged the turn of events at the Feb. 20 council meeting, where her initial appointment for the position was met with silence from the council, and said she will work with the council to prevent similar outcomes.

“I don’t want that to happen again,” Shillito said. “That was not a pleasant scene from the week before.”

City Manager Aaron Sera told the Headlight that Wednesday’s meeting was a closed session, and members were not allowed to discuss its contents.

Council members did vote Wednesday to authorize Sera to sign a lease agreement with Harbor Freight for retail space adjacent to the new City Hall building on East Pine Street. That vote took place at the beginning of the meeting, prior to the council going behind closed doors.

Jose “Pepe” Montoya will continue to act as interim chief of police until a permanent candidate is selected by the council. The next regular council meeting is set for March 19 at 5:30 p.m. in the city council chambers on East Pine Street.

Annya Loya can be reached at annya

Mayor “Micki” Shillito speaks at the Deming City Council’s special meeting Wednesday as District 2 Council Member Irma Rodriguez looks on.

(Headlight Staff Photo by Annya Loya)

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